Additional Suburban University Study Hub locations announced
3-day guarantee – legislation passed
New resources available for teachers Australia-wide
Civics and Citizenship Education Hub now available
National Industry PhD Program applications open
National Student Ombudsman now taking complaints
Useful tips for getting started at university
Ten new Regional University Study Hubs announced
Public consultation open on proposed changes to Disability Standards for Education 2005
Early childhood's online learning platform turns one
Celebrating 50 Connected Beginnings sites across Australia
World-class research supporting medical advancements
Applications open for the Tertiary Access Payment
Next steps in the higher education reform agenda
Regional University Study Hubs open in new locations
World-class research producing more sustainable products
New student support measures introduced in the higher education sector
Regional Education Commissioner reappointed
Two Regional University Study Hubs celebrate graduating students
National Student Ombudsman legislation passes Parliament
Nominations open for 2025 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science
National History Challenge 2024 winners announced
Record high successful projects announced under National Industry PhD Program
Creating real-world impact from research
Applications are open for Round 2 of the Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships
Suburban University Study Hub locations announced
CUC Goulburn relocates to support increasing student numbers
Supporting a more efficient and sustainable future
Transforming the health sector through innovation
Cutting-edge research infrastructure bringing innovations to life
$45 million partnership to lift university and industry manufacturing capability for the future
Reductions to HELP debt and other student loans
Making student loan repayments fairer
New Professional Experience Guidelines to support teaching students
Applications open for new Youth Advisory Groups
Celebrate teachers this World Teachers’ Day!
First Nations student support for eligible boarding providers
Wear red for Day for Daniel
Queensland welcomes two new Regional University Study Hubs
Connecting early childhood services and educators in training
Worker retention payment applications open
Survey open to help deliver the digital research infrastructure of the future
Q&A with 2024 Young Australian of the Year, Emma McKeon AM
New and innovative employment-based pathways into teaching announced
Increased funding for public schools in Tasmania
New Regional University Study Hub opens in South Australia
Applications for the Tertiary Access Payment still open
New resources on classroom management are available for school leaders
Better and Fairer Education for Western Australian Public Schools
Successful higher education providers announced to deliver new microcredentials
New resources released to support students with disability
Applications open to establish a Regional University Study Hub
Together For Humanity National Youth Summit
Visit StudyAssist to support your higher education journey
National Science Week
Wage increase for early childhood workforce
Bullying No Way: National Week of Action
$80 million for early childhood education and care services in disadvantaged communities
AEA Seed Grants successful projects announced
National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy released
Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships have been awarded to the first round of teaching students
Increased funding for public schools in the Northern Territory
Free course to help teachers manage classrooms
Brand new Advanced Manufacturing facility and $18 million investment in space research unveiled
Entries are open for the National History Challenge
Funding for Consent and Respectful Relationships Education in Australian schools
Professional development opportunities for early childhood workforce
First round of AEA grants open
Needs-based Funding consultation paper released
Applications are open for the 2025 Simpson Prize
National Industry PhD Program successful applicants announced
Funding for First Nations student support
Supporting women to improve STEM skills
New guidance on using electronic devices in early childhood settings
STEM education resources launched for Australian primary school teachers
Implementation consultation papers released for ATEC and Managed Growth Funding System
Students and schools can win a share of $12,000 in prizes!
How will my HELP debt be indexed on 1 June?
Applications open to establish a Suburban University Study Hub
More FEE-FREE Uni Ready courses to help students prepare for university
Australian Universities Accord – Budget Summary: building a better and fairer education system
Enter the 2024 Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards
Early Years Strategy launched
New venture studio opens at Curtin University
Reducing Student Debt
Swinburne University celebrates graduating women
Geraldton Universities Centre celebrates graduating students
Applications open for the Tertiary Access Payment
Expansion of the High Achieving Teachers Program
New Regional University Study Hub opens in Victoria
The Virtual Work Experience Program is available for young people
Regional Education Commissioner Annual Report released
Regional University Study Hub supporting growth of local healthcare sector
New locations announced for Regional University Study Hubs
New video case studies share teachers’ inspirations, passions, and experiences
New youth engagement strategy launched
Explore engaging resources on the Student Wellbeing Hub
The National Schools Constitutional Convention opened today
Leading the way in Australia’s recycling and clean energy research
Action taken to address gender-based violence in higher education
Australian Universities Accord Final Report released
New Youth Advisory Group members
Tips to thrive while studying at university
Nominate an inspiring teacher for the Order of Australia
New information resources for students with disability
Applications open for the National Industry PhD Program
ACCC child care price inquiry: final report released
National Skills Passport consultation is now open
Successful universities announced to deliver Startup Year courses
Applications open for Tranche 3 of AEA Seed Grants
Rediscovering an ‘extinct mouse’ using genetic testing
Funding available to deliver microcredentials
A cleaner, greener future in REACH
Now published: Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System
Staying safe this Summer
New resources on classroom management are available for teachers
Supporting students to access higher education
Australian teachers named in top 50 of Global Teacher Prize
Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships Program
Regional University Study Hub in Albany providing 24/7 access for students
National Industry PhD Program Round 2 successful applicants announced
Australia’s Education Strategy for India released
Strengthening local communities through playgroups
Priority Area 1, Action 2: Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships Program
AEA Seed Grants Tranche Two projects announced
Be That Teacher, National Campaign
Apply for Round 2 of the Schools Upgrade Fund
University Study Hub celebrates region’s first graduate in 36 years
Applications open for new Youth Advisory Groups
Celebrate teachers this World Teachers’ Day!
Funding Australian research infrastructure
AEA Seed Grants Tranche One projects announced
Supporting universities and industry to navigate intellectual property
NCRIS celebrates Earth Science Week 2023
Learn about the wonders of space during World Space Week
Applications open to establish a Regional University Study Hub
It’s never too late to upskill or change careers
Apply to be a coach for the Curious Minds program
Changes to be trialled for the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE)
Pilbara Kimberley Universities Centre Broome officially opens
Tasmanian program gives taste of working in early childhood education and care
Celebrate International Literacy Day Today!
Consultation on the Suburban University Study Hubs open
Pilbara Kimberley Universities Centre celebrates a milestone
New resources for the Mathematics Hub
Applications are open for the 2024 Simpson Prize
Consultation paper released for new requirements to support students
The future of salt tolerant wheat
Get involved in National Science Week!
Entries are open for the National History Challenge
New Trailblazer a game-changer for the defence industry
Harnessing Australia’s natural and competitive strengths through the Trailblazer Universities Program
New Regional University Study Hub opens in Cooktown
Australian Universities Accord Interim Report released
Seeking feedback on the National School Reform Agreement
Successful applicants announced under the National Industry PhD Program
Extended post-study work rights commences for international graduates
Changes to the Child Care Subsidy activity test for families with First Nations children
Domestic and international students happy at Australian higher education institutions
Applications now open for the National Industry PhD Program
Enter the 2023 Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards
The ATO’s Tax, Super + You competition is now open
Successful universities announced to design and deliver new microcredentials
Survey released to Inform the Better and Fairer Education System Review
Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University Centre opens
Changes to the Child Care Subsidy
Keep shaping Australia’s reputation as a clean and green producer
New grants available to Australian researchers
Regional Education Commissioner 2022 Annual Report now available
Increasing the number of women in STEM careers
Renewable, versatile spinifex and the future of nanofibres
New Regional University Centre opens
Review of the Australian Research Council Act 2001
Youth representatives meet for the first time in Canberra
Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System
Case study: From the Ground Up
Scholarships available to support regional study
Apply to participate in the National Industry PhD Program
Education agreement between Australia and India
Apply today for the Tertiary Access Payment
AEA Seed Grants: applications now open
Review of Australia’s higher education system
New opportunities for international students to study and work in Australia
Apply to reduce your HELP debt
Get to know our Youth Steering Committee
Regional University Centres supporting students to succeed
More opportunities open for women to study STEM
Explore the new MicroCred Seeker website