$80 million for early childhood education and care services in disadvantaged communities 

Community Child Care Fund. More than 430 services were successful in the fourth round of the disadvantaged and vulnerable communities grant

This story was first published on Thursday 8 August 2024. If you wish to use this content, please contact media@education.gov.au to confirm that the information is still current.

This week the Australian Government announced $80 million in grants under the latest round of the Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) disadvantaged and vulnerable communities grant.

More than 430 early childhood education and care (ECEC) services have been offered funding to support them to stay open and increase the number of children accessing ECEC in disadvantaged, regional and remote communities.

Under the grant’s fourth round, providers could apply for 2-year grants of up to $400,000 in sustainability support and $300,000 in capital support.

A total of 475 applicants were successful. We offered:

  • sustainability support to 385 applicants to help services remain viable and sustainable
  • capital support to 90 applicants to help with the cost of renovating, extending, or building new facilities.

Minister for Early Childhood Education, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP said:

“By helping providers to extend their services, more parent and carers will be able to have greater choice when it comes to increasing hours of work or education.

“More than 80 per cent of the funding will support services in regional or remote areas, ensuring children can access the transformational benefits of early learning no matter where they live.”

Since 2018, the Australian Government has provided over $229 million to around 1,120 services under the grant.

CCCF provides a range of grants to help providers and services address barriers to ECEC participation.

To find out more about the grant, visit CCCF disadvantaged and vulnerable communities grant.

Read the minister’s Supporting early learning in regional and disadvantaged communities media release.

Correct at time of publication.