National Industry PhD Program successful applicants announced

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This story was first published on Friday 12 July 2024. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

Forty-eight research projects have been awarded funding under Round 3 of the National Industry PhD Program (NIPP).

The program supports PhD candidates to undertake industry-focused research projects and be equipped with the knowledge and skills to better translate university research into commercial products and services.

The successful projects include:

  • 21 Industry Linked projects
  • 27 Industry Researcher projects

The third application round received a total of 143 applications across a variety of research fields.

The program is supporting students like Alex Shen, who is working with Enovis, to research the use of artificial intelligence to improve patient outcomes for hip surgery.

Alex sees huge advantages to completing a PhD through the program and is grateful for the financial support.

“This is the best program so far like this, that caters to our idea of doing a PhD and linking up the research and the company/industry side as well,” said Alex.

“Starting in a junior role in this company, you could barely support yourself and then if you want to pursue higher education or other training, that’s usually an additional expense.”

Alex’s supervisor at Enovis, Dr Joshua Twiggs says:

“One of the coolest things about this program is that it lines up perfectly with the research model that helps us make surgeries better.

“Alex was someone we wanted to move ahead with a PhD regardless. And we needed to find a way to fund it. It wasn’t immediately clear that this was going to happen. And this program has given us a way to do it. Then the stars sort of lined up.”

The program is part of the Australian Government’s $296 million Increase Workforce Mobility initiative to build up research talent skilled in university-industry collaboration and harness the world-class research Australian universities are known for.

Thirty-two research projects have been funded under Round 1 and 40 projects were awarded funding under Round 2.

Applications for Round 4 are now open and close on Friday 9 August. To find out how you can participate, complete the short Expression of Interest Form or email

For more information, visit National Industry PhD Program.

Correct at time of publication.