Application to use the word ‘university’ in a Business Name
This document is an application form for use of the word 'university', or similar terms, in a business name.
Australian Government response for the Review of the Higher Education Provider Category Standards Review 2019
This outlines the Australian Government's response to the recommendations made in the final report for the Review of the Higher Education Provider Category Standards
AQF Review Impact Assessment
AQF Review Impact Assessment
Revision or Re-vision: Exploring approaches to the differentiation of qualification types in the Australian Qualifications Framework
Revision or Re-vision: Exploring approaches to the differentiation of qualification types in the Australian Qualifications Framework
Discussion Paper: Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework
Discussion Paper on the Australian Qualifications Framework to assist in the consultation process
Incorporating shorter form credentials into the AQF
Further information on shorter form credentials
Other Countries – Shorter Form Credentials in Qualifications Frameworks
Further information on overseas practice for incorporating shorter form credentials into National Qualifications Frameworks
July 2018 update – admissions transparency phase two common terminology and information sets
July 2018 update – admissions transparency phase two common terminology and information sets
Program/course information set mock up
Mocked-up examples of both the whole-of-institution and the program/course information sets are provided for reference. These are intended to demonstrate how institutional and course information may be presented to comply with the information set templates, drawing on the types of information already made publicly available on a range of provider websites.
Whole-of-Institution information set mock up
Mocked-up examples of both the whole-of-institution and the program/course information sets are provided for reference. These are intended to demonstrate how institutional and course information may be presented to comply with the information set templates, drawing on the types of information already made publicly available on a range of provider websites.
Career adviser learner guide
Career adviser learner guide
Student learner guide
Student learner guide
Student with work and life experience learner guide
Student with work and life experience learner guide
Admissions Transparency Phase Two Common Terminology and Information Sets Dec 2017
Admissions Transparency Phase Two Common Terminology and Information Sets Dec 2017
Final Admissions Transparency Implementation Plan 2017
Final Admissions Transparency Implementation Plan
Consultation Draft Admissions Transparency Implementation Plan
This document is the consultation draft for the 2017 Admissions Transparency Implementation Plan
A New National Institute for Learning and Teaching report
The Australian Government has announced the establishment of a new National Institute for Learning and Teaching to begin on 1 July 2016, replacing the existing Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT). This report follows extensive consultation with the higher education sector on the strengths and weaknesses of the current programme.
Application to use the word ‘university’ in a company name
This document is an application form for use of the word 'university', or similar terms, in a company name.
Application to use the word ‘university’ in an Australian domain name
This document is an application form for use of the word 'university', or similar terms, in a domain name.
Guidelines for applications to use the word ‘university’ in a business name
This document is an application form for use of the word 'university', or similar terms, in a business name.