Evaluation of National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA) schools and early years initiatives final report
This is the final evaluation report, delivered by dandolopartners.
A Best Practice Guide: Teaching maths with digital tools
A best practice guide with five key principles for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Cohort-Specific, Culturally Relevant Content and Lesson Plans
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Digital Exploration, Investigation and Game Environments
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Digital Observation and Remote Coaching
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Final report – Best practice models for the use of digital technologies in mathematics teaching and learning
This final report reflects on what worked well in lifting mathematics and numeracy outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic and what key aspects could potentially be further explored and developed as enduring augmentations to mathematics teaching. This research was undertaken by Dandolo Partners International.
Fully-Featured Teaching and Learning Platforms
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Maths Lesson Plan Libraries
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Online tutoring for students falling behind
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Remote Learning Delivery
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Teacher-Recorded Worked Examples
One of eight best practice models for using digital technologies in maths teaching.
Checklist to evaluate an initiative
You can keep track of your progress through these steps with the checklist: evaluate an initiative
Checklist to run an initiative
You can keep track of your progress through this checklist.