2022 Section 11 Equity groups

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Higher education equity groups tables for the 2022 full year. Equity groups include students that:

  • are from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB);
  • have a disability;
  • are women in non-traditional areas;
  • identify as First Nations;
  • are from low SES (socioeconomic status) locations; and
  • are from regional and remote locations.

A note about 2020 Higher Education Equity and Equity Performance Data

During the transition to the Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) System, enrolment numbers for students with disability were substantially under-reported in the case of several universities. This issue affects the 2020 access, participation, and success indicators and the 2020 retention rates. Caution should be taken when using the 2020 enrolment data points for students with disability. All other time points are unaffected.

If you require further information, a data request can be submitted to the Department. Please see the Data Requests, Data Protocols, Data Privacy and Visual Analytics Guide page.

These data were revised on 23/09/2024 owing to the discovery of corruption in the location coding software which caused the misreporting of Low SES (SA1 measure) and First Address Low SES (SA1 measure) for 2022 and 2021 (ASGS21) and regional and remote (ASGS21) for 2021. No other data were changed in the updated publication

Creation Date
Modified date
File Reference
Department of Education
Department of Education
English / Australian English

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