Higher Education Continuity Guarantee

Funding must be invested in additional academic and learning support for students with disadvantaged backgrounds.

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About the measure

As identified as a priority action in the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report, the Australian Government is guaranteeing Commonwealth Grant Scheme (CGS) payments for universities and eligible higher education providers in 2024 and 2025. Through the Higher Education Continuity Guarantee (HECG) provider’s CGS funding is guaranteed regardless of whether a provider is enrolled up to its approved funding level. Any remaining funding must be invested in additional academic and learning support for students with disadvantaged backgrounds which include:

  • students from low socio-economic backgrounds
  • students from inner regional, outer regional, remote and very remote areas
  • students who are first in their family to access higher education
  • First Nations Australians
  • people with disability
  • students who experience cumulative disadvantage

Possible uses include improved academic advice, learning support, mental health services, scholarships, enabling services. Providers must submit an Equity Plan to receive HECG funding. Equity Plans must outline how funding remaining under their MBGA will be used to support equity outcomes for under-represented groups.

Providers must make reasonable efforts to use HECG funding on new initiatives or to bolster existing initiatives. Initiatives and interventions should aim to address barriers and meet the needs of targeted equity groups, to improve the number of prospective students access to education and provide support for students to succeed. Providers can propose other equity-related initiatives not funded from another continuing source for discussion with the department.

FAQs for providers

FAQs for providers regarding the measure are available

HECG possible uses

List of Possible Uses Higher Education Continuity Guarantee Funding 2024-2025