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Tuition Protection Review
The Review of Australia’s tuition protection arrangements across the higher education sector, the international education sector, and the VET Student Loans (VSL) program was initiated by the Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Fa
Transferring Student Data Interstate
The Interstate Student Data Transfer Note and Protocol supports the exchange of student information between schools when children move state.
Destination Australia
As part of the 2024-2025 Budget, the Australian Government announced there will be no further funding rounds of the Destination Australia program (DAP) from 1 July 2024.
Closing the Gap
The Commonwealth’s 2023 Closing the Gap Implementation Plan builds on the Commonwealth’s efforts in achieving the targets in the National Agreement over the coming decade.
Academic Centres of Cyber Security Excellence (ACCSE)
The Academic Centres of Cyber Security Excellence (ACCSE) program is part of Australia's $230 million Cyber Security Strategy launched by the Prime Minister on 21 April 2016.
MicroCred Seeker (Microcredentials Marketplace)
MicroCred Seeker is a nationally consistent platform for students to search and compare microcredentials offered by registered higher education providers and selected VET organisations.
Schools Upgrade Fund
The Schools Upgrade Fund provides more equitable access to resources to support schools to help keep students and school staff safe, and get students’ education back on track after disruptions caused by COVID-19.
Supporting more women into STEM careers
The Australian Government is providing $19.1 million over five years (2016-17 to 2020-21) to the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) to deliver the National Research Internships Program (NRIP), a national industry-based PhD-inte
Early Learning Languages Australia
The Early Learning Languages Australia program (ELLA) program is a digital, play-based program which includes a series of interactive applications (apps), aimed at making language learning engaging and interesting to young children in
Considering a teaching career?
Teachers can be the difference in helping students reach their full potential. Their dedication, hard work and commitment can have an important impact on children and young people of all ages.
Enabling Growth and Innovation Program
The EGI program was an annual fund administered by the department for initiatives that would support the implementation of the National Strategy for International Education 2025.
Australian Strategy for International Education 2021‑2030
The Australian Strategy for International Education 2021‑2030 charts a path to sustainable growth for Australia’s international education sector, with a focus on diversification, meeting national skills needs, students at the centre and global com
Regional Research Collaboration Program
The Regional Research Collaboration (RRC) Program funded research collaboration between regional universities, industry and other higher education providers to help regional universities develop their research strengths.
International Education Data and Research
The department collects and publishes several data sets and visualisations to explore international student demographics at Australian institutions.
Information about the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review
The Quality Initial Teacher Education Review (the Review) has now concluded and the Australian Government has released the final report.